Cue Groups allow you to perform Play actions (Play, Stop, Pause, Resume) on multiple of Cues with one click. This will give you virtually simultaneous sync for starting multiple Cues at once on one or more remote computers.
Note on Player/Voice features: Cue Group Mode is not compatible with running the Player or Voice features. You will be prompted to confirm proceeding with Cue Group Mode and the Player or Voice features will be stopped if needed.
When we say Cue Groups offer "virtually simultaneous sync" we mean close to simultaneous. Benchmarks showed there is typically less than a millisecond (ms) between the play signals sent for each cue. Occasional cases of 1-3 milliseconds was measured. Windows system processes sometimes steal cycles from running apps. This is only the amount of time it takes to send the action command to a remote computer. How much time the remote computer takes to start media playback, is a separate (and probably a bigger) time consideration.
Benchmarks were done on an i5 CPU(2.5Ghz) computer. Every computer will vary based on CPU, motherboard speeds, Windows system load, etc.
When Cue Group Mode is active these buttons will perform Cue Group actions (Figure 1, Play, Stop, Pause, Resume; Figure 2 Play Actions toolbar). This includes the associated Actions menu items and their keyboard shortcut keys. For example, click the Play button and all the cues in the Current Cue Group will play (Listing 1).
Note: Cancel All is NOT a Cue Group action (toolbar button: red circle with white 'X').
To edit a Cue Group, click Cue Groups > Edit and Manage Groups. select a Cue Group in the list, then click the Edit button. If you are creating a new group, click the Add button, select the new group, then click Edit. The Cue Group Editor (Figure 4) will open. If you make a mistake, just cancel the dialog and reopen it.
Listing 1. Cue Group DescriptionCue Group: Name: Panorama360 Id: 485886138 Source List Id, Name: 1793771714, Panorama360-CueList1 Cues in Group: Id, Name 1. 1664929789 FrontView 2. 486475340 RearView 3. 549485019 LeftSideView 4. 1117704973 RightSideView
By default all Cue actions are sent to the RMM Target Remote Client selected on the Remote Tools toolbar (or in Tools > Remote Tools > Select Target Remote Client) menu item. If you want some Cue actions directed to a different client computer, set the Cue's Remote Client Override value with the Cue Editor (Figure 6)(click Edit Cuelist > Edit Selected Cue).
Assume you have 2 computers (C1 and C2) with Videomill on each one (Figure 7). You have 4 videos you want to play in sync. You want Videomill on C1 to play RightSideView and RearView videos. You want Videomill on C2 to play LeftSideView and FrontView videos.