The FSPortal is generally a connector between Breakthru Software flagship products (Sound Mill and Video Mill) and the FreeStyler DMX lighting application. It provides a method to execute FreeStyler Cues and Sequences from our programs.
After you install the program, you specify the Role in the FreeStyler Options. For more details, see the FSPortal Program Roles page.
Limitation: FreeStyler Cue names should NOT contain commas (,) or apostrophes (;) (see Limitations page).
FreeStyler DMX is a Windows DMX-512 Lighting Control Software package. It's Free and all it requires is a DMX dongle connected to your PC either by USB or serial adapter.
IMPORTANT! - For this integration to work properly, you must start FreeStyler and leave it open on its main window. DO NOT open any of the sub windows or edit panels in FreeStyler. If you do, FreeStyler will override commands it receives from IPC and operations like Fades will not work properly.
To connect Sound Mill and Video Mill to FreeStyler, you need to conFigure IPC clients on both programs and Start the IPC connection.
There is more setup to do in Sound Mill or Video Mill, but the above is all you really need to do in FSPortal. See the Portal Commands page for details on the commands that Sound Mill or Video Mill can send through the portal.
The FreeStyler Cue Options (Figure 2) that you select will change the resulting behavior of the FSPortal Play button.
If desired, you can make the Sequences play in sequential order, one after another (see Limitations page). To do that, follow these steps:
When the last sequence finishes playing, it will automatically loop back around and begin playing at the first sequence.
FSPortal User Interface (UI) (Figure 7), lets you execute FreeStyler Cues and Sequences, but for interactive use, you get much more function using the FreeStyler UI itself.
First you have to Add the FreeStyler Cues that you want to play. There are 3 ways to Add cues. A request to add a Cue that is already in the Cue List is ignored.
You change the Sequences Selection mode in the Cue List menu.
When you click the Change Speed button, the speed value in the Speed numeric control is used. Speed is entered as a Percent of original recorded sequence speed. So 100% is the original recorded sequence speed. 50% is half the recorded speed. 200% is double the recorded speed. Valid values are 10% to 500%.
When you execute the above controls, the cooresponding IPC Command will display in the IPC Command textbox at the bottom. This is the command you would use in Sound Mill or Video Mill to execute the operation you just performed. This may be a useful way for beginners to get familiar with IPC Command syntax.
There is an OFF button on the toolbars that allows you to quickly shutoff all lights (using the Cuelist Off button) or individual lights (using the Sequence Off button). You won't need to go searching for the Cue in an emergency. It requires that you create a special FreeStyler Cue that has one sequence for each light fixture. And the sequence will contain one scene which is the OFF setting for the fixture.
Add the Shutoff Cue to the FSPortal Cuelist, then select it by clicking the Cuelist > Select Shutoff Cue menu item. You can clear it in the FreeStyler Options if desired.
The Cuelist and Sequences list each have their own Play Controls toolbar. See the "FSPortal User Interface" section above for a list of operations tied to these toolbar buttons. The Cuelist toolbar buttons execute an action (Play, Stop, etc) for all Sequences in the selected Cue. The Sequences toolbar buttons execute an action for the selected Sequence(s).
Toolbar Buttons: (left to right) Play, Stop, Change Speed, Shut Off, Load, Page Up, Page Down.
The Sequences Toolbar Buttons: In addition to most of the buttons on the Cuelist toolbar. Select All, Deselect All (top to bottom, only applicable when using Sequences Multi-Selection mode).
Cue names used in IPC commands sent from Sound Mill and Video Mill will use the Cue Path Name of a cue. The FreeStyler Cues Folder specified in the Options dialog is the starting point to search for Cues.
Example: For cue file located at C:\FreeStyler\Cues\Annie\Tomorrow.fcf . The Cue Name is "Tomorrow". The Cue Path Name is "Annie\Tomorrow".
For cues located directly in the FreeStyler\Cues folder (ie. not in a subfolder), the Cue Name and Cue Path Name will be the same value.
You can show/hide this toolbar from the Tools menu. The Tools toolbar functions are:
You can show/hide this toolbar from the Tools menu. The Master Cue List Controls toolbar functions are:
Figure 7, App window with Controls Scale Factor set to 1.25 (125%), Listbox Width and Height Scale Factor set to 1.25, and Controls Font at Arial 16pt font.