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Certified Clean

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Download.Com Certified Our products are Tested and Certified by to be 100% free of malware and spyware ( uses VirusTotal).

Tested using VirusTotal

Virus Total VirusTotal inspects items with over 70 antivirus scanners and URL/domain blocklisting services, in addition to a myriad of tools to extract signals from the studied content.

Test It Yourself

It's free. Go to the VirusTotal Analysis page and paste the download URL (below) into the form. It will scan the file and report the results in a few seconds.

Download Urls
  • Video Mill -
  • Sound Mill X3 -
  • Remote Media Manager -
  • FreeStyler DMX Portal -
  • Matrix Mic & Player -
  • Tempo Game Clock -

Example Submission

VirusTotal will create a report (Figure 1 below). Note that we have clipped off, at the bottom, the long list of scan tools used. The report will show the full list.

Figure 1. VirusTotal Report for Video Mill
Figure 1. VirusTotal Report for Video Mill

Scan with Microsoft Defender

In addition to the VirusTotal method of testing the MSI installer, you can scan it with Windows Microsoft Defender on your computer. Follow these steps.

  1. Open Windows File Explorer (click Windows Start > All Programs > Windows System > File Explorer ) or use your favorite file manager app.
  2. Navigate to the Downloads folder.
  3. Right-mouse click the MSI Installer file.
  4. From the context menu, pick Scan with Microsoft Defender. The scan should report "0 threats found".
Figure 2. Microsoft Defender Scan
Figure 2. Microsoft Defender Scan