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Program Start-Up by Batch File


You can start the program by using a Windows Batch File (.Bat file extension). You can run it by double clicking on the Bat file in Windows Explorer. The batch file can reside in any convenient folder.

How to Start the Program when Computer Boots Up

If you want the program to start automatically when the Computer boots (starts), do the following:

Passing Parameters

You can pass the following parameters to the program via the batch file.

  1. No Parameters - If no Parameters are passed, it will simply start the program with no Soundlist loaded. (Syntax Option #1 below)
  2. Sound List filename - This target Soundlist will be opened on program start-up. Must include the full folder path and drive letter of the file. Enclose the filename in double quotes (") if the filename or folders contain space characters (blanks). (Syntax Option #2 below)
  3. RUNSCRIPT - The Script-Id of a target Script is passed. It will be run on program start-up. (Syntax Option #3 below)
  4. PLAYLIST - The Playlist-Id of a target Playlist is passed. It will be opened (but not run) by the Easy Player on program start-up. (Syntax Option #4 below) There are Easy Player options available that will auto-run the Playlist on Open.
  5. KIOSKMODE - The Playlist-Id of a target Playlist is passed. Performs like the PLAYLIST parameter but also the Easy Player will open in Show Mode and the Sound List Editor window will be minimized. (Syntax Option #5 below) See additional Kiosk Operation detail.


Create a batch file with any name and with a .bat file extension. The contents of the file will be in the format of one of the Valid Options below.

Valid Options
  1. SoundMill.exe
  2. SoundMill.exe SoundListName
  3. SoundMill.exe SoundListName RUNSCRIPT Script-Id
  4. SoundMill.exe SoundListName PLAYLIST Playlist-Id
  5. SoundMill.exe SoundListName KIOSKMODE Playlist-Id

Real Example

Note the use of full folder paths and double quotes when spaces exist in folder paths. Your SoundMill.exe folder location may differ from the example below.

"C:\Program Files\Breakthru Software\Sound Mill X3\SoundMill.exe" "C:\Users\YourId\Documents\Sound Mill X3\Grease.slt" RUNSCRIPT 12345678