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Behavior Menu

Locator: Easy Player > Behavior .

Because there are so many different behaviors by different remote control devices and kiosk touch screens, there are many Behavior settings you can use to accomodate your specific device and application requirements.

  • Play On Click - When checked, a Cue Button will begin play immediately when a Cue Button is pressed. When unchecked, if you press on a Cue Button, it simply becomes selected (aka focused or active) and you need to press the Play button to make it play. These actions are recognized as a button press:
    • Mouse: Left Click.
    • Keyboard: Press Enter Key or Space Bar.
    • Touch screen: Press the button.
  • Play on Move Cue Focus - When checked, a Cue Button's Sound Item or Script will begin to playing/running immediately when it becomes the selected (focused) cue button via clicking the Next Cue button, Previous Cue button, arrow keys, Tab and Backspace keys or by one of the Behaviors that 'Move Cue Focus'. When unchecked, the newly focused cue button is not played automatically. Exceptions: When you use Action menu items for "Move Cue Button Focus" to "First" or "Last", the cue will not play since these are generally table seek operations.

    This option can be tricky to manage because you lose some level of control over when a Play action will happen. It is probably best suited for remote controllers that only have Next and Previous buttons, but no Play/Pause button (typical of some low function Power Point presenter remotes).

    When used in conjunction the next option (Auto Move), it will cause the entire playlist to be played in sequence. If you decide to stop it, you will need to click the Halt/Reset Player action -- the Stop action will not stop the player in this behavior mode.
  • Auto-Move to Next Cue Button - Automatically moves the cue selection to the next sequential cue when the conditions below are met. This is useful if you will always move sequentially through your cues and you want to eliminate the need to click the Next button. Note that if you use this in conjunction with the "Play on Move Cue Focus" option, it will cause the Next cue to start playback. For Continous Play mode, the move occurs only after the last continous cue is played.
    • After Play Finishes - When checked, 1) if the current focused cue completes playing by reaching the end of its audio file, or 2) if playback is ended by clicking the Stop button.
    • When Stop is Clicked - When checked, 1) ONLY if playback is ended by clicking the Stop button. (Either the Stop button on your remote controller or on the Easy Player interface.) No move is made if nothing is playing when the Stop button is clicked.
  • Always Keep Next Cue Button Visible - When checked, the Next Cue Button will always be visible in the button cue table. If you are tabbing backward to a previous cue, then the Cue Button before the selected cue will be visible. This is useful when you are only displaying several cues at at time (for example, a Cue Button table with one column and three rows) and want to see what cue is next in your Playlist.
  • Wraparound Move Next/Previous Cue Selection - When checked, if you reach the end (or beginning) of the cue buttons and click Move Next or Move Previous, the cue selection will Wrap Around to the beginning (or end) of the cues list. When unchecked, no wrap will occur and selection focus will stay on the current selected cue.
  • Enable Actions Shortcuts - Toggles Actions Shortcuts. When checked, processing of remote controller Actions Shortcuts is enabled (turned on).
  • Enable Ad Hoc Shortcuts - Toggles Ad Hoc Shortcuts. When checked, processing of remote controller Ad Hoc Shortcuts is enabled (turned on). (Also see Actions Shortcuts Note above. )
  • Input Device Type - Select the type of device used to operate the Player. This makes subtle changes to Cue Button Table navigation.
    • Keyboard, Mouse and Touch Screen - Allows for four (4) directional keyboard navigation of the Cue Button Table using keyboard Arrow Keys: Up, Down, Left And Right. Also allows for Page-Up and Page-Down keys to scroll multiple rows of buttons with one button press. Set number of Page rows in the Options -- Player dialog.
    • Remote Controller - Because remotes generally don't have Arrow keys, this limits to two (2) directional navigation of the Cue Button Table ( Move to Next or Previous Cue Button).
      Next via Keys: Right, Down, Page-Down, N.
      Previous via Keys: Left, Up, Page-Up, P.
      Also sets Play Mode to Simple Play/Pause Mode as described below.
  • Easy Player Behavior Summary - Show a list of current Program Behavior settings and Automator Behavior settings.

Play Modes

There are 3 Play Modes that control the Player behavior with respect to how the Play, Pause and Resume buttons act. Master Controls Reset (see below) will be made when you select any of these modes.

Play Mode Types
  1. Simple Play/Pause Mode - In Simple Play mode, the Play button operates as a Play/Pause/Resume button for the currently selected Cue Button. It is the same behavior as the Play button on Windows Media Player. The Play behavior is as follows:
    • When you click a Play button, if the currently selected Cue Button is not currently playing, it will start play at the beginning of the Media File. If the audio is already playing, it will be paused. If the audio is paused, it will resume play at its current play position.
    • When you click a Play button, if any another Cue Button (other than the selected Cue Button) is currently playing (or is paused), it will be stopped. (no concurrent sounds in this mode)
    • Limitations: In this play mode, Sound Items will NOT be played concurrently regardless of the "Allow Concurrent Sounds" behavior setting in the Sound List Editor. Also, "Preemptive" Sound Items will not play in preemptive mode.
  2. Standard Play Mode - When you click a Play button, it will always restart play at the beginning of the Media File (regardless of whether it is currently playing or paused). The Pause button will pause a playing sound. The Resume button will resume a paused sound.
  3. Continuous Play Mode - Continuous Mode acts very close to the behavior of standard music players (like Windows Media Player). In Continuous Mode, Play will begin from the current selected Cue Button in the Playlist. Play continues sequentially to the end of the playlist. Also see Wraparound Play option below. This mode will also process RunScript Cues. Note: This uses the Automator to process the play and you will see an Automator status message indicating that a Temp Script is being started.

Continuous Play Settings
    These are applicable to Continuous Mode only. Changing these settings has no affect on a Playlist that is currently playing until it is stopped and replayed.
    • Repeat - Play will repeat (virtually forever) until you click Stop.
    • Shuffle - Cue Buttons play order will be shuffled randomly.
    • Wraparound Play - When checked, after the last cue ends, play wraps around to the start of the playlist and contines until reaching the cue current selected Cue.
      When unchecked, play begins at the current selected Cue and continues to play cues to the last cue of the Playlist.

Master Controls Reset When Changing Play Mode
    When you set a Play Mode, some Sound List Editor Master Behavior Control Values are reset to accomodate the behavior (as noted below). After you set the Play Mode, you can switch to the Sound List editor window and tweak the master controls to modify behavior. These values are set for the benefit of novices that may not understand the subtly of how the controls affect behavior.
  • Allow concurrent sounds is set to false. So when you click any Play button, if another Sound Item is playing, it will be stopped.
  • Apply Pause/Resume as master setting is set to true. Pause and resume will operate on all currently playing Sound Items or running automation Scripts.