SendTo_UDP: (free tool) Sends message text to a Target Program listening on a local network UDP Port . This is a method for your external, third party program to send IPC commands to SoundMill, VideoMill and/or FreeStyler DMX Portal. IPC (Inter-Process Communications) must be started on these programs to be able to receive the sent commands.
The Readme file has full details (included in zip file).
Program Arguments
Program exe: SendToUDP.exe - If there are spaces in the folder path, enclose the full path in double quotes. Example: "C:/My Utils/SendToUDP.exe".
Arg 0: IP_address - Can be IPv4 or IPv6 format. A valid Network IP address of the computer the Target Program is running on (ex. Or Local Loopback address ( ) if running on the same computer.
Arg 1: Port_number - The Port_number that the target program is listening on.
Arg 2: Message - Message text to send. Enclose it in double quotes (ex "RunScript 123"). Message maximum length = 64,000 (64K) characters.
Folder full path is required unless you navigate to the exe's location folder (directory).
By Windows batch file
Use the Run-SendToUDP.bat file provided.
Run the batch file from the command line and specify the Message as an argument.
Example: "C:/My Utils/Run-SendToUDP.bat" 52010 "RunScript 123"
To check for error messages, remove "rem" from pause line in the bat file.
Programs that can use this tool
The AutoHotkey Run command can run this tool. Or you could use Windows Task Scheduler to kickoff automation.
But literally any program that can execute a Command Line tool could be used.