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Auto-Start Scheduler on Computer Restart


You need to auto-start Sound Mill and its Scheduler when you Restart the computer. This will automate your scheduled Scripts with no intervention from the computer operator.

Solution Summary

For this sceneario, we will assume that you have already created a Sound List that has one or more Scripts scheduled to start them at various times of day.

  • You will need create a batch file to start Sound Mill and open a Sound List.
  • Tell Windows to run that batch file on Windows Restart.
  • Then set a few Sound Mill options to auto-start the Sound Mill Scheduler.


  1. Set Scheduler to Auto-Start - In Sound Mill, Check the "Scheduler - Start At Program Startup" checkbox in the Automation Options.
  2. Set Scheduler - Restart Daily - If you plan to keep the program running overnight and not boot the computer every morning, check the "Scheduler - Restart Daily" checkbox in the Automation Options. This rebuilds the daily schedule plan once a day.
  3. Suppress Scheduler Status Change Prompt - In the Automator, uncheck the menu item for Scheduler > Prompt Warning on Start/Stop. This removes the user prompt to confirm that it's ok to proceed with starting the Scheduler.
  4. Batch File to Start the Program - Create a batch file to start the program . The only parameter you need in the file is the Sound List file name. Below is a sample of the contents of the batch file. The folder paths will need to be changed based on where the Sound List is located and where the program is installed.
    "C:\Program Files\Breakthru Software\Sound Mill X3\SoundMill.exe" "C:\Users\YOURID\Documents\Sound Mill X3\Your-SoundList.slt"
    Test it by double clicking on the batch file in Windows File Explorer to see if SoundMill starts and the soundlist is loaded as expected.
  5. Add to Windows Startup folder - Add shortcut link (or the batch file itself) to your Windows Startup folder. This will make it run automatically when you Restart the computer. The batch file can be placed in any convenient local folder.

Test the Setup
  1. Restart the computer. Sound Mill should start automatically with your Sound List loaded.
  2. Open the Automator window. The Scheduler should be running. (note the Scheduler icon in the right side of the window status bar).
  3. View the Scheduler Plan to see if all the scripts are scheduled in the plan. Scripts scheduled at a time prior to the reboot will NOT be scheduled. Example: if you bootup at 9AM, a script scheduled for 8AM will MISS the daily Scheduler Plan.