There are two important requirements to meet to get displays to work with Video Mill.
Windows Extended Desktop - The hardware (graphics card) must support Windows Extended Desktop. Some graphics cards come with their own proprietary software for extending displays. This software will probably NOT work with Video Mill which specifically requires Windows Extended Desktop.
Windows Compliant Device Driver - The display must have a Windows Compliant Device Driver for the version of Windows you are running. This ensures that the display can report its dimensions (width, height in pixels) back to Windows. Some displays (ex television screens) may be recognized by windows as a generic display and will use the Windows generic driver. If in doubt, ask the manufacturer if the display has been tested with Windows Extended Desktop.
Before purchase, check the hardware User's Guide which should list this in the specifications. If you are still not sure, contact the hardware manufacturer support team to see if the device will meet the above requirements.
We've had a couple reports from customers that their video switcher (aka video mixer) was not working with Video Mill. Again consult the manufacturer support team regarding the requirements above.
Video Mill Display Check
To see if your displays are detected and its dimensions are known by Video Mill: 1) Extend Displays; 2) Then go to Video Mill menu Tools > View Extended Displays. This will list all detected displays and their dimensions.