Contact Support for the any of the following.
In most other cases, especially for program usage questions, please direct your question to the User Forum.
Always before emailing Support, check the program's Download page on our site to ensure that you are using the latest Version.release (V.r). If you are not at the latest V.r, install it since there may be program fix in a subsequent maintenance release that solves the issue. The program's Version.release can be found at Help -- About .
Send the following to Support via the
email link
on the Contact page.
The more concise you are when reporting a problem, the quicker a problem will be resolved.
Support will almost always need the following information for problem determination -- Avoid delays by providing it on your initial inquiery.
Send the following:
Copy Tip - To copy error messages from a popup message box: Use Windows keyboard short cuts. Ctrl-A to Select-All text. Ctrl-C and Ctrl-V to perform Copy and Paste respectively. Or use the Alt-Print Screen key combination to copy the popup screen image and send it.