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Special: 25% to 30% Off
As a special promotion and for a limited time, we are offering most products at 25 to 30% off the regular sale price. See the product "Buy Now" page for applied discounts.
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Customer Stories Program
Our Customer Stories Program was created to help promote your successes with our products. And to let new, prospective customers see real world applications in action. We want to hear your story! We'll add a link to your Website that will help raise your site's rank with the Web search engines. And it just might drive some business your way. Just drop an email to Support to request participation -- we'll do the rest.
.Net Framework 4.8 Migration
Video Mill
Sound Mill
have been migrated to Microsoft .Net Framework 4.8. Customers on Windows Vista/XP will not be able to install the latest product versions since .Net 4.8 cannot be installed on Windows Vista/XP. However, the final product releases that support Win Vista/XP can be found here.