Special Offers
Special: 25% to 30% Off
As a special promotion and for a limited time, we are offering most products at 25 to 30% off the regular sale price. See the product "Buy Now" page for applied discounts.
Evaluation Key
Get an Instant, 30-Day Evaluation Key.
It will unlock all the features of the program for all editions and allow you to save your work. No obligation. No order forms. No marketing emails -- Just a key. Enjoy.
Sound Mill X3
An audio manager intended for use by sound designers, solo performers and public speakers, and retail businesses with music plus announcements requirements.
Video Mill
A video (and image) manager that allows you to play multiple videos simultaneously and continuously. Each video is played in its own window (Media Screen) which can be sized to stretch or shrink the video and positioned as desired.
Remote Media Manager
Provides a control panel to manage and run basic operations of
Sound Mill
Video Mill
remotely over a local computer network (wireless or wired) from a remote location.
FreeStyler DMX Portal
Controls DMX lights from commands sent from
Sound Mill
Video Mill
over a local computer network (wireless or wired) from a remote location.
Matrix Mic & Player
- Simultaneously broadcast microphone announcements to Multi-Zone Outputs Systems (stage, lobby, courtyard, etc.) from one computer connected microphone. Includes a Player with M3U playlist support.
Tempo Game Clock
A Board Game clock, score keeper and game record keeper all in one.
Net Comms
Net Comms
is replaced by
Remote Media Manager
Provides a control panel to run basic operations of
Sound Mill
Video Mill
over a local computer network (wireless or wired) from a remote location.
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Certified Clean
Our products are Tested and Certified by Download.com to be 100% free of malware and spyware. Install our software with confidence.
Operating Systems
This product runs on:
Windows 11/10/8/7
64bit, 32bit, and "N" editions
(See a few exceptions.)