How It Works - FreeStyler DMX Portal (FS_Portal) is an optional add-on tool for Sound Mill (SM) and Video Mill (VM). It allows you to send lighting commands from a SM/VM automation Script to syncronize DMX light control with audio or video.
You use FreeStyler DMX, a free DMX light programming tool, to create all your DMX lighting controls (as cues and sequences). Then simply add commands to your SM/VM automation that starts/stops cues and sequences. For example, start a light sequence when an audio file begins playing and stop it when the audio ends. FreeStyler can control tracking lights and fog machines as well.
You can also run the FS_Portal user interface on a network connected tablet that allows a novice operator (not trained in FreeStyler) to run lights.
Note: Works with Sound Mill or Video Mill Ultimate editions only.
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Operating Systems
This product runs on:
Windows 11/10/8/7/Vista
64bit, 32bit, and "N" editions
(See a few exceptions.)
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IMPORTANT! - For this integration to work properly, you must start FreeStyler and leave it open on its main window. DO NOT open any of the sub windows or edit panels in FreeStyler. If you do, FreeStyler will override commands it receives from IPC and operations like Fades will not work properly.
Do you need a very simple app to let a novice operator control DMX lights for a community theater production? FS_Portal Remote Client may fit the bill. Your tech person does the setup for lighting cues in FreeStyler and the simple network communications configuration. All the operator needs to know is which cue goes with which act/scene and when to push the Play button.